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The primary goal of the Sponsorship Gala is to recognize the remarkable involvement of all of our volunteers. The gala allows us to thank and bring together our volunteers. It is a chance to celebrate all the friendships that have been born through Parrainage Civique Montréal. Some of our sponsorships have been going for more than 27 years! 



One of the reasons why the gala is so anticipated every year is because different recognition awards are handed out there. These awards are handed out to sponsorships that have stood out over the course of the year. 10 categories are presented each year. The PCM team meets up to decide on certain nominees and on a winning sponsorship per category. 

The sponsorship Gala is also a chance to underline the sponsorships that have been going on for a long time. On the day of, guests celebrate 5-year, 10-year, 15-year, 20-year, and 25-year sponsorship anniversaries. 


To continue this lovely day of celebrations, PCM announces winning PCM Adventures during the sponsorship Gala. The PCM Adventures allow sponsorships to submit an outing or activity idea to the Parrainage Civique Montréal team. These adventures are often a sponsored party’s dream or wish, which they are unable to realize due to a lack of resources. PCM therefore offers all of these sponsorships the option of submitting an activity that will encourage the social participation and integration of its members. 



You can’t have a sponsorship Gala without a Super Funny Ones shown! The Super Funny Ones enhance the event with their spectacular routines. This theatre troupe works very hard all throughout the year to bring us a quality show. Each year, their performance level improves, and they always manage to impress us. 


FEBRUARY 6, 2022

On February 6, the 2021 Friendship Gala took place, we postponed it as much as possible in order to be able to do it in person, but the health rules of COVID-19 pushed us to organize this event virtually. 

It is not because we were each behind our screens that we did not take advantage of this event as much to gather among ourselves. We were able to celebrate the beautiful friendships that are part of the big family of Parrainage Civique Montréal. 


We would like to thank each and every one of the members who were present with us that day! It is even more important for us to share moments with you because the last two years have greatly reduced the number of our events and reunions. 


We would also like to congratulate our artists whether in the groups of Music, Dance, Visual Arts and Supers Rigolos for their performances. We would also like to thank the animators who accompanied our artists throughout the preparation of these shows. 

In addition, it is important for us to also thank the Roger Roy Foundation, without whom the organization of this Friendship Gala would not be possible. 


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